Our Solution

Without disturbing water production and water demand,

our Super Butterfly technology can take advantage of this wasted or untapped excess pressure

and convert it into clean energy.

Benefits from our solution

We complement water operators’ energy cost with revenue from selling energy

by utilizing their untapped excess pressure (using our Super Butterfly).

We promote the full utilization of water infrastructures where expensive pipelines

can be used not only to transfer water but generate clean energy concurrently.

This initiative also will lead to the reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emission.

Our Products


  • P20 model designed to tap excess pressure in a pipe line at 20% of the full water pressure capacities.


  • P40 model designed to tap excess pressure in a pipe line at 40% of the full water pressure capacities


  • P50 model designed to tap excess pressure in a pipe line at 50% of the full water pressure capacities.