About Us
Xcess Pressure Sdn Bhd is a hydropower company that can generate clean energy
from excess pressure in water distribution pipes.
We generate and sell clean energy from the excess water pressure in pipe via
our patented in-pipe hydropower generation system (Super Butterfly).

Dr. Iswadi Jauhari
Founder/ Executive Director
He received his bachelor (1995), master (1997) and doctorate (2003) degrees in engineering from the Ehime University Japan. His expertises are in the areas of materials, design and energy. He is the innovator behind the Super Butterfly.

Dr. Sabariah Julaihi
Non-Executive Director
Sabariah Julaihi is currently working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya (UM). She received her MSc and PhD from the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom in 2004 and 2010 in Automatic Control and System Engineering in 2004.

Farahani Abd Rahman Sazli
Managing Director
Farahani received her biomedical science degree and medical science degree from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Since then, she has been exposed to entrepreneurship education and training programmes while engaging and building positive relationships with water industry personnel and relevant authorities for market validation purposes.

Hasmadi Ahmad
Chief Engineer
He graduated in Bachelor of Electric and Electronic Engineering from Tokushima Engineering University, Japan in 1995. He has vast experiences as Mechanical and Electrical and project engineer in various companies in Malaysia and Japan for almost 16 years. His experiences comprise of project design, development and management including R&D.

Muhammad Iqbal Ismail
Mechanical Engineer
He obtained Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaya (UM) in 2020. He implements his skill mainly on Solidworks in designing the prototype. He is the key mechanical designer of the Super Butterfly.

Hakimah Ahmad Mahauddin
Electrical Engineer
She received Bachelor Degree of Electrical Engineering from Universiti Malaysia Pahang in 2008. She worked as project engineer specializing in energy efficiency for 9 years before joining the team. She is currently pursuing her master's degree in engineering science at Universiti Malaya.

Norfazila Mohd Sultan
Materials Engineer
She graduated in Bachelor of Materials Engineering (2008) and Master of Engineering Science (2013) from Universiti Malaya. She is currently completing her PhD in materials engineering.

Muhammad Nur Aiman Khairul Niza
Electronic Engineer
He obtained Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (Communication), Universiti Teknologi Mara, UiTM in 2019. He contributes his skills in developing and maintaining Internet Of Things (IoT) and electronic devices.
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